The Dirty Truth About Making Money Online

The Cash Code   Make Money Online In 2 Hours
The Cash Code - internet marketing products reviewed

Are You A Real Internet Marketer?

Are you earning $50.00 a day?

Less than... $300.00 a week?

How much did you make last month
$1000.00?   Zilch?

Making Money Online Starts With
A Proven System
Michael Jones Hands It To You

Your Life is NOT about working for other people!!! 2 hours from now you can have a cash generating business set up which needs almost no ongoing work.

All you do is copy and paste...
And you're ready to rock - with 100% of the profit. can have an inbox FULL of messages like this:
"Paypal Payment Notification"

2 hours from now...

Check the *SHOCKING* video now!

Sam D. Mann

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Does Google Caffeine Mean You Can Make Money Online Fast?

I wrote about this a couple of times in the recent past and I'm doing so again but that's because it works like crazy!

This is by far the most profound course that shows how to make money online fast from the 4 Billion plus cell phone users out there.

Today you are going to find out about the most effective step-by-step make-money-online-fast system in existence...

There are no less than 56 detailed videos that cover everything you need to know to make money online fast from cell phones.

Mack Michaels swelled up a Clickbank account with $2,013,032.09 (Yeah 2 Million plus Buck$!) of commissions in just over 8 months!!

He knows what he's doing and it is still a wide open market for you to take advantage of. And you do not need to get technical or even have a site!

Watch the second video to see the $2Million Clickbank account

That's all for now. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's an excellent article for you to read. Written by one of my many Guest Authors...

Does Google Caffeine Mean Doom For Internet Marketers?

by Tim Beachum

If you are one of the few who hasn't heard... Google Caffeine is the name given to Google's next generation search engine. It is said that it will be used to rank and index all the pages on the Matrix... OOOPPSSS! I meant the world wide web.

This will be a huge change and I'm not just talking about the normal Google updates. Google is making a complete overhaul of their search engine technology and they way they will index algorithm.

Matt Cutts one of Google's Spokespersons told fellow bloggers that Google already has one database online, but the full blown version won't be released until after the Holidays. This came as good news to most online business owners. In the past Google would make their changes right before the Holidays which caused a huge ruckus as you could probably guess.

Finally a webmasters dream come true. It would appear that Google has finally started listening to the cries of the Internet Marketers. As of late Google has been a little more forthcoming as far as how they index web pages. The real shocker was when Google opened up and allowed a selected few to beta test an early version of Caffeine. The even bigger shocker was yours truly The SEO Bully was one of the selected few.

I made a promise to the members of my list to bring them, "gloves off" hard-hitting information. As I beta tester I felt it was my duty to grab this opportunity by the throat and squeeze it to death. Now you have the opportunity to benefit from all of my result findings. The results were truly outstanding, but before I open the books and share everything with you I want to first warn you... DO NOT go changing your entire business model based on my test results. I recommend that you merely use them as a starting points or sort of a guidelines if you will. As you already know Google has a reputation for making changes in the blink of an eye.

Now that I have put my little disclaimer out there on the table, let's move on shall we? Here is a little scoop straight from the mouth of Google if you will. They are throwing a new criteria in the mix. With there new search engine face lift, "Site Speed," or how fast your site loads will now play a factor. My test results also show that Caffeine will be penalizing websites for broken links.

It would also appear that the quality of your website will play a bigger role in rankings. After all it should... Put yourself in Google's shoes for a moment, they are no different then any other company that is putting out a product. If there product is of poor quality it reflects badly on everyone involved. The key to Google's success is their SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) after all it is the key to all of their online revenue. It is their job to do whatever they have to keep their product fast, relevant, current and above all it must be of the highest quality.

My test results show that On Page factors will definitely play a bigger role with the new Google Caffeine. Unique content will carry more weight, page design, navigation, title, meta tags, description, keyword density, alt tags, page views, bounce rate, traffic numbers, time spent on page, and the number of social bookmarks may play an increased role in achieving higher rankings. For those of you that make a living via Adsense you may want to start figuring out a new game plan as far as bounce rate becoming a factor.

Worse case scenario Google could change their entire format. Even if that would happen I can assure you that one thing will remain... Social Bookmarking will play a huge factor in Caffeine's new algorithm. Before my email box starts blowing up let me answer the question now... YES... Twitter is considered to be a part of the Social Bookmarking scheme and the number of times your website is ReTweeted will play a factor. So if you do not have a twitter account currently I recommend that you get one.

Hold on before you start getting all nervous. I can just imagine all of the Internet Marketers reading this clinching their fist and yelling towards the sky, "DAMN IT GOOGLE YOU HAVE SCREWED ME ONCE AGAIN!!!!" Well before you take it that far let me tell you something... This may very well be the best thing that has ever happen for the small online entrepreneurs. If Caffeine is anything close to what the beta version was like, it would appear that Google is trying to level the playing field by doing a way with the unfair practices of link buying. We all know that if you have enough money you can buy your way to the top of the search engine results. All indications show that Google is attempting to do away with this problem.

The confusing part of my test results was the fact that I couldn't figure out if backlinking was going to continue to play a major role or not. It would appear that keyworded domains and onsite content plus other optimization factors out weighed backlinking in the majority of my test results.

Here's a little something that Google has already started doing and not many Internet Marketers are aware of this. Please keep in mind this is just based on my personal research. My test results show that Google is somehow using the audio within videos and using it to determine what the video is about. My testing shows that they are using about 15 or 20 seconds of the audio to get an idea. I noticed that when I mentioned my keyword phrase in the beginning I was indexed higher than when I failed to use it or I used it later in the video.

About the Author:


Here's today's tip from Sam D. Mann at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools

Nothing beats being ready to:
1. Identify profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites based mostly on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and each one of the different search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.

Every one of the steps listed above is vitally crucial to doing well online and will ultimately determine how much money you'll earn. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms should be the starting purpose of your business.

Be familiar with this: Individuals that misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up pissed off and not bringing in any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points ends up in the down fall of countless would-be successful Internet marketers.

Final point. Always ask yourself:
How can I drive traffic to this market?
Can this traffic convert into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion?

SEO Tip Of The Day.
Maximum links per page must be fewer than 100. Avoid the risk of being flagged as a link farm by search engines. The Google crawler will not recognize text hidden in the images, so when describing important names, keywords or links; stick with plain text.

My thoughts for today...
Maybe you're already sitting on a goldmine but don't realise it! Take a peek around you. Every coin has 2 sides. Have you ever considered that misfortune could be good luck in disguise!

Check out this Blog for great articles and make a comment to get backlinks to your website

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Get A Millionaire Mind So You Make Money Online Fast

If you have ever thought of turning Clickbank into your own private ATM and making large withdrawals whenever you like, then, this recommendation may change your whole life.

Before I get into the heart of the matter let me pose a question: "Are you scared to pay for traffic?" And when I say "pay for traffic", I mean with things such as PPC etc.. If you're scared to pay for trafic, that is fine because you're not alone - a ton of people are.

There is a whole lot to be said for free traffic, and that's why I want Michael Jones to express to you how to get a load of traffic - the way he's laid it out in "The Clickbank Code"...

I use Adwords, and the system brings me thousands of visitors... But you can't beat the effortlessness of traffic that simply floods into your websites relentlessly. The kind of traffic which never stops, and never costs you a dime... And, as we all know, if you need to have money into your checking account you need to get traffic... loads of it.

You've heard of Clickbank, right? You know... the free-to-join web site that literally forces money into your pockets... Yeah if you know what you're doing!! Well, let's marry up TONS OF TRAFFIC with CLICKBANK.

We'll do that by telling you about a guy by the name of Michael Jones who banked a cool $48,506.66 in his 1st four weeks after hearing about it... That is right... WITHIN HIS FIRST 4 WEEKS!

Michael Jones reveals everything and he's pulling back the curtain on the secrets (These secrets are killer... and could set you up for life!!) he used them to rake in almost twelve thousand bucks his very first week... That is what I term The Secret To Create Cash On-line Fast

Michael is will show you the way to use these completely new tactics... the very same techniques he used to make him a millionaire thru promoting Clickbank's products.

That is it for now. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a good post for you to read. Submitted by one of my many Guest Authors...

Millionaire Mind Intensive. Know Before You Go

by Ellie Gant

Few millionaires are born that way; most of them make their millions the hard way. A few of them make their fortune and then lose it all. Sometimes, even children of millionaires, though born into wealthy circumstances, lose their parents' wealth and turn poor.

This seminar will teach you more about millionaires so that you can duplicate their success in your lives. For one thing, millionaires are never afraid about losing their expensive cars, colossal mansions, fat bank balances, or any of their other material possessions. Millionaires are generous and contented people, who never operate from a sense of lack and wanting. Moreover, millionaires are grateful people who never let their egos get in the way of expressing wholehearted gratitude for whatever life has given them.

If you want to get a taste of what the seminar is all about, you can read "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind," a revolutionary motivational product by Eker. However, reading the book does not give you the same experience of hearing Eker speak. In other words, "Millionaire Mind Intensive" gives you a unique motivational experience. If you want to boost your self-confidence and get rid of limiting thought patterns, you must give this seminar a try.

"Millionaire Mind Intensive" teaches the participants on how to transform their thoughts. You will learn exactly how negative thoughts and emotions prevent you from achieving financial success. Consider your thoughts, feelings, and emotions about financial issues. If you feel that somehow having too much money is "not good," you will never be able to have a lot of money. So, if you really want a lot of money, you must change the way you feel about it. Transform your negative thoughts to positive thoughts, and you will instantly be able to achieve success on a holistic level.

Do you want to change your thought patterns? The best way to do so is by attending "Millionaire Mind Intensive." Eker goes the extra mile in helping people get rid of negative thinking habits so that they can attract more riches into their lives.

Eker gives every participant the impression of working with him/her personally to destroy the thought limitations in their mind; and you will understand the various reasons for your financial failure. Unfortunately, Eker does not give anybody individual attention; if he gave one-to-one coaching, he would never have found any time for himself.

However, you must realize that "Millionaire Mind Intensive" works only for those who are receive its techniques with an open mind. As soon as you hear Eker speak, you will feel yourself changing. During the seminar, I learned why I could not achieve financial success; and so will you. Today, I have totally discarded all thought patterns that prevent wealth from pouring into my life.

If you are willing to transform your life for the better, the "Millionaire Mind Intensive" is for you. Eker is worth listening to because he knows more about money that anybody else. Even though you are comfortable with what you are earning right now, you can always earn a bit more. Eker can help you create a wealth-attracting mental blueprint.

About the Author:


Here's today's tip from Sam D. Mann at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools

Nothing beats being in a position to:
1. Determine profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites primarily based on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and each one of the different search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.

Every one of the steps listed above is vitally important to doing well on-line and will ultimately determine how much money you'll generate. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms must be the starting point of your business.

Understand this: People which misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up annoyed and not earning any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points ends up in the down fall of countless would-be successful Internet marketers.

Final point. Always ask yourself:
How can I drive traffic to this market?
Could this traffic convert into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion?

SEO Tip Of The Day.
If you plan on having a large website with many pages you should also consider building a site map for your visitors. (in this case, it should in html format)

My thoughts for today...
Perhaps you are already sitting on a goldmine but don’t realise it! Take a peek around you. Every coin has 2 sides. Have you ever thought that misfortune could be good fortune in camouflage!

Check out this Blog for great articles and make a comment to get backlinks to your site

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Can Work At Home Programs Help You Make Money Online Fast?

I wrote about this a couple of times recently and I am doing so again but that's because it works like crazy!

This is by far the most in depth course that shows how to make money online fast from the 4 Billion plus cell phone users out there.

Today you're going to check out the most effective step-by-step make-money-online-fast system ever brought to light...

There are no less than 56 high quality videos that cover everything you need to know to make money online fast from cell phones.

The guy's swelled up a Clickbank account with $2,013,032.09 (Yeah 2 Million plus Buck$!) of commissions in just over 8 months!!

He knows what he is doing and it's still a wide open market for you to take advantage of. And you do not need to get technical or even have a website!

Watch the 2nd video to see the $2Million Clickbank account

That is it for the time being. Think Lucky - Be Lucky!!

Sam D. Mann

Now then, here's a great article for you to read. Penned by one of my many Guest Authors...

Making Extra Money With Work At Home Programs

by Brian Tubbs

Tons of people are seeking a new vocation in order to start a job from home and still make money. By searching the Internet for work at home programs, and you may be shocked with the total amount of programs. Nonetheless, there are tons of work from home job scams floating around online that you should look out for. Here are a few things to steer clear of as you look for a honest work at home career.

To begin with, beware of jobs that guarantee you can get rich fast. If it seems too perfect to be true, it most likely is. Be careful of programs that expect you to send out cash to receive information about the employment opportunity or demand you to purchase something to begin using the program. Nearly real work at home job offers will not call for any money to start. Watch out for enlarged claims of how good the product is.

Some of these advertisements try to convince you to invest in a get rich quick scheme, that you probably wont get or is a great deal more difficult to sell than told you. You might also be responsible if you are advertising a fallacious program to other job seekers.

Most work at home job systems involve stuffing envelopes or packages, work in home assembly, forwarding letters and filling out insurance claims. These scams usually involve money upfront for training or for products which never materialize. The work at home assembly programs often leave people with products they assemble and don?t get paid for.

Work at home employment scams wont ever offer you a regular pay for a certain position. They could use personal testimonials concerning the productivity of their opportunity, without using anyone's names. work from home employment scams wont normally require any no experience, all the same they will guarantee that you will earn huge cash.

Stay away from work from home ads with grammar errors or offers that only use capital letters. This is a major indication that the companies organization is not at all professional. Look for the companies contact information in the job ad. If you can not find any contact information, this usually means that it is not a legitimate ad. Obscure job particulars are as well a dead giveaway of a rip-off.

If you become a victim to a work from home opportunity scam, demand a refund from the company. If they refuse to send you a repayment. Notify local law enforcement officials and the nearest Better Business Bureau. Document all your correspondence with the company such as emails and start a file with all the information.

There are legitimate jobs you can do from home, online. But watch out for yourself by avoiding the typical traps of work at home opportunity scams.

One of the top ways to start earning money is by starting an online business. By beginning your own internet business you can be pretty certain your not going to be scammed. Keeping this in mind there are programs out there that can show you how to create your own web based business and some of them are scams. The best way, to be certain not to be scammed by one of these systems is by searching for an online business review site to find the right opportunity for you.

A pretty good site to begin with is:, they examine web based businesses and place the ones that have worked for them, on there site.

About the Author:


Here's today's tip from Sam D. Mann at Affiliate Marketing Strategies Tips and Tools

Nothing beats being able to:
1. Determine profitable search terms (Using Buyers keywords).
2. Launch mini sites based on the given keyword phrases.
3. Rank in Google and all the other search engines for those keyword phrases.
4. Convert your traffic into revenue.

Each of the steps listed heretofore is vitally significant to doing well on-line and can ultimately determine how much cash you can earn. Understanding and identifying profitable search terms must be the starting purpose of your business.

Be familiar with this: People that misunderstand or ignore any of the above points finish up pissed off and not earning any money. Generally speaking, ignoring those points leads to the down fall of numerous would-be successful Net marketers.

Final point. Always ask yourself:
Can I drive traffic in this market?
Could this traffic convert into affiliate sales or AdSense clicks?
What is the value of a conversion?

SEO Tip Of The Day.
Do a good keyword research and check your keywords to make sure they are relevant and actually are contained in your site. Avoid keyword stuffing. Come up with essential and precise keywords and make sure that your website features relevant and informative content.

Browse through this Blog for great articles and leave a comment to get backlinks to your site